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Authors Kit

Publication Guidelines

Authors kit and instruction for SCDM-2018 accepted papers

1. MS Word template for camera ready papers  

Revise your paper taking all the suggestions and comments of the reviewers/PC members into account. The limit of your paper is 10 pages (paper less than 8 pages will not be published in AISC Springer). Paper with more than 10 pages will be charged for additional pages (see HERE).

2. For authors preparing the camera ready use LaTex, the instruction can be downloaded from the series "Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing" with link http://www.springer.com/series/11156 (click on instructions for authors)

3. AISC authors guideline 

The camera ready papers must be in AISC style.

4. AISC Springer copyright form  . Use the following information to fill up the Copyright Form:

Title of Book/Volume/Conference: Recent Advances on Soft Computing and Data Mining

Volume Editor(s): Rozaida Ghazali, Nazri Mohd Nawi, Mustafa Mat Deris and Jemal H. Abawajy

5. SCDM-2018 registration form 

For accepted papers, please submit a packed file (zip or rar) of the following documents toeasychair before 15 October 2017 :

All source files of the paper (DOC or Tex)
* PDF file of the paper
* The AISC copyright form with signature
* TheSCDM registration form with signature
* The proof of payment (scanned copy)